Unforced Rhythm of a Heart at Rest

by Greg Sergent

Boredom! We avoid it at all costs! In an age of being productive, who really wants to be bored? Modern technology is to the rescue, and with a phone in hand relief is granted. It is easy to fear the unknown that lurks in the quietness, and what might surface from the depths of the soul. The stuff we’d prefer to forget. So, over-stimulation busies the mind and occupies the soul. It goes off like the notifications on the phone.

We pattern our lives with “over the edge” living. Words like over-commitment, overwork, overtime and over-stressed are commonplace and for a reason. As our overspent lives ramp up with doing activities, the internal capacity of the soul winds down and dries up. It wears as stress fractures on the brow, robs internal fortitude, and runs down the heart. We all but lose ourselves and bankrupt the soul. You say, “ I’d give anything to go back to the good ole days” when there was breathing room and some margin in the day. But, like the gerbil on the wheel, it seems we couldn’t slip away from the maddening pace, even if we wanted. There’s just too much at stake! So, we invite the next generation to join us on the wheel and we all pass it off as, “It’s just the way it is”.

Researchers and practitioners alike now remind us of the necessity of some of those lazy days in our schedules, and especially for our children. It encourages imagination and creative play, and outdoors in their development. They use their mind, share their thoughts, develop skills, solve problems and learn to work together. For us, unstructured times force us to deal with the inner life and work the soil for meaningful well-nourished relationships. Being attentive to the soul, helps you keep in step with the impulses of the heart of the Creator and learn the “unforced rhythms of grace” as Matthew 11.28 is rendered in the Message Bible. It is really the longing of the soul. It is Amazing Grace to enjoy . It is too often neglected. The load gets heavy. The heart grows weary.

Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light. Matthew 11.28-40 NLT

Frightening boredom pushes the pace of the wild, untimely rhythms of this world. It expects, even demands keeping up with the forced rhythms that sets the heart “out of sorts”. Jesus offers something better than religious burdens on top of everything else. He offers inner tranquility. Lighter burdens.

Don’t miss it, Jesus is the rest. The rest is in nothing less than Himself. He is the divine pause in heaven’s jubilee chorus. That pause in the music is there for a reason. Not to be filled with noisy stuff, but to catch a breath. Leaning into God’s rhythm, provides everything the soul really needs. Follow in the steps of the Savior and learn unforced rhythms that lead to a heart at rest.


Gregory H. Sergent

(c) 2021